NSO 駐團音樂家系列《穿梭世紀的音符》 - MUSICO

NSO 駐團音樂家系列《穿梭世紀的音符》

活動時間 2020-02-28 Fri 7:30:00 PM ~
2020-02-28 Fri 9:00:00 PM
活動縣市 台北市
活動場館 臺北國家音樂廳
場館地址 臺北市中山南路21-1號
活動類型 演出
主辦單位 國家表演藝術中心國家交響樂團
演出團隊 指揮/呂紹嘉
繼承並延續前輩心得,貝多芬從古典格式中創出浪漫精神,第七號交響曲自海頓式序奏開頭,加以比美莫札特的動聽旋律,最後展現酒神狂歡般的白熱化升騰,是華格納口中「舞蹈的神話」,更是廣被引用的經典。一邊是親情和懇求,一邊是報仇與責任,悲劇《柯里奧蘭》盡訴兩難中的掙扎,貝多芬按情節鋪展出震撼人心的樂想,細膩刻劃角色的受苦內心。中提琴與作曲皆擅,狄恩的創作總能展現新奇想像,足稱當今南半球最重要的音樂名家。他的中提琴協奏曲結構獨樹一幟,在獨奏技法的開創與管絃聲響的處理上皆有出色洞見,是令人印象深刻的傑作。NSO 以貝多芬金曲與當代名家名作,在貝多芬250 誕生年傳承創作火炬,歡迎大家和NSO 一起回顧偉大傳統、持續傾聽現代!



音樂總監/指揮 呂紹嘉 Shao-Chia Lü , Music Director/Conductor
出身臺灣,為享譽國際樂壇的旅歐名指揮家。自鋼琴啟蒙,後隨陳秋盛研習指揮,繼而赴美印第安那大學及維也納國立音樂院深造。在贏得法國貝桑頌、義大利佩卓地和荷蘭孔德拉辛三大國際指揮大賽首獎後,展開了他在歐洲的指揮生涯。旅居德國期間先後擔任柏林喜歌劇院首席駐團指揮(1995-1998)、德國柯布倫茲市立歌劇院音樂總監(1998-2001)、德國國家萊茵愛樂交響樂團音樂總監(1998-2004)、德國漢諾威國家歌劇院音樂總監(2001-2006),並於 2004 年 5 月獲文化部長頒贈象徵該省文化最高榮譽的 Peter Cornelius 獎章。 在歌劇的領域中,曾於英國國家歌劇院、雪梨歌劇院等客席登臺指揮。歌劇外,呂紹嘉在交響樂指揮的表現也同樣耀眼。近年來合作的交響樂團有:柏林、巴伐利亞廣播、荷蘭皇家音樂大會堂管絃樂團等。在亞洲,與香港管弦樂團、NHK、首爾愛樂,及北京、上海等地的代表性樂團合作演出。自 2010 年 8 月起接任 NSO 國家交響樂團音樂總監。並於 2014-2017 兼任南丹麥愛樂交響樂團的首席指揮。 Taiwan-born conductor Shao-Chia Lü studied music in Taipei, later at the Indiana University in Bloomington, USA, and also at Vienna's College of Music. His training resulted in important first prizes at three renowned international conductor competitions: Besancon (France), Pedrotti (Italy) and Kondrashin (the Netherlands). Shao-Chia Lü accepted positions as General Music Director of the Koblenz Theatre (1998-2001), the Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie Koblenz (1998-2004), and the Staatsoper Hannover (2001- 2006). He has also been Chief Conductor of the South Denmark Philharmonic from 2014 to 2017. Shao-Chia Lü appears regularly as guest conductor at several world-renowned opera houses, including the Opera Australia in Sydney, Den Norske Opera in Oslo and more. Alongside his opera activities, Lü is equally at home on concert podiums. Lü has worked repeatedly with many leading European orchestras, such as the Oslo Philharmonic, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic and more. In Asia, Lü has worked with the Hong Kong Philharmonic, NHK, Seoul Philharmonic and more. Shao-Chia Lü has been Music Director of the Taiwan Philharmonic (the National Symphony Orchestra) since August 2010.

來自澳洲布里斯本的布萊特.狄恩(Brett Dean),1984 年遷居至德國,曾在世界音樂演奏家好手們憧憬的頂尖樂團-柏林愛樂擔任中提琴手長達十四年,但他後來卻選擇成為一位自由音樂家。他曾在受訪中說,他一直都體認到自己是一位演奏者,但音樂觸動了他的身心靈,他也希望自己能夠寫出感動人身心靈的音樂,因而走上兼具演奏、作曲、指揮等多重身份的音樂之路。雖然經常在獨奏家、指揮、作曲家這些不同身份之間轉換,但他似乎不感到彼此之間有任何衝突,而且還在這些角色之間游刃有餘、樂此不疲;無論是哪一種角色,他的音樂活動顯然都圍繞著樂團。多年來,布萊特.狄恩與許多世界知名樂團合作演出自己寫作的中提琴協奏曲;他同時是位室內樂音樂家,經常與其他合奏團與管絃樂團的演奏家合作,演出自己的室內樂作品與標準曲目。他對於音樂會的的曲目安排極具創意,通常以自己的作品為中心,再與其他作曲家的作品巧妙搭配。狄恩與世界各地樂團合作,也擔任例如瑞典室內樂團、雪梨交響樂團等樂團的駐團音樂家,也與樂團合作,進行節目企劃。他是BBC 交響樂團夥伴音樂家,以中提琴家與指揮的身份擔綱多項工作,包括首演自身創作、進行委託創作以及其他演出等。狄恩的作品由世界著名樂團演出,曾獲許多獎項肯定,也由BIS 和ABC 古典錄製、發行專輯。對於由雪梨交響樂團演出、BIS 發行,狄恩創作的中提琴協奏曲,英國《衛報》(Guardian ) 曾如此贊揚:「不僅是傑出而深具音樂底蘊的演奏家,也是一位令人深感佩服的作曲家……這是展現狄恩作曲家才華的一部絕佳作品」。曾在柏林愛樂擔任中提琴手多年,又以獨奏家、指揮、作曲家等身份活躍在世界各地的狄恩,比許多同行更瞭解樂團演出工作與活動中,各個不同角色之間的立場,深諳以同理心有效協調的道理,也因此從各地樂團來的邀約不斷。在2016/17樂季,狄恩曾擔任NSO 駐團音樂家時,NSO 與英國國家廣播公司第三電臺、蘇黎世音樂廳和丹麥國家交響樂團共同委託狄恩創作《哈姆雷特》連篇歌曲並於《英雄再起》音樂會中演出。2019/20 樂季。本樂季再次應邀擔任NSO 駐團音樂家,將與NSO 演出他自己的中提琴協奏曲,也將與樂團音樂家一起演奏他的室內樂作品,屆時樂迷將可見識到這位多才多藝音樂家的魅力。
Brett Dean, lecturer & viola Brett Dean studied in Brisbane before moving to Germany in 1984 where he was a member of the Berlin Philharmonic for fourteen years, during which time he began composing. His music is championed by many of the leading conductors and orchestras worldwide, including Sir Simon Rattle, Vladimir Jurowski, David Robertson, Andris Nelsons, Marin Alsop and Sakari Oramo. Much of Dean’s work draws from literary, political, environmental or visual stimuli, including a number of compositions inspired by artwork by his wife Heather Betts. Brett Dean began composing in 1988, initially concentrating on experimental film and radio projects and as an improvising performer. Dean’s reputation as a composer continued to develop, and it was through works such as his clarinet concerto Ariel's Music (1995), which won an award from the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers, and Carlo (1997) for strings, sampler and tape, inspired by the music of Carlo Gesualdo, that he gained international recognition. In 2009 Dean won the Grawemeyer Award for music composition for his violin concerto The Lost Art of Letter Writing and in 2016 was awarded the Don Banks Music Award by Australia Council, acknowledging his sustained and significant contribution to Australia’s musical scene. In June 2017 his second opera Hamlet was premiered at Glyndebourne Festival Opera to great acclaim, winning both the 2018 South Bank Sky Arts Awards and International Opera Awards for opera. Dean enjoys a busy performing career as violist and conductor, performing his own Viola Concerto with many of the world’s leading orchestras. Dean is a natural chamber musician, frequently collaborating with other soloists and ensembles to perform both his own chamber works and standard repertoire, including projects with the Doric Quartet, Scharoun Ensemble and Alban Gerhardt. Dean’s imaginative conducting programs usually centre around his own works combined with other composers and highlights include his appointment as Creative Chair at Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich 2017/18, projects with the BBC Symphony, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Concertgebouw Orchestra, Melbourne Symphony, Sydney Symphony, BBC Philharmonic, Gothenburg Symphony, Toronto Symphony, Tonkünstler-Orchester, Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra and as Artist in Residence with the Swedish Chamber Orchestra.

12/01~12/07 兩廳院之友預購8折
12/8 正式啟售後優惠






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